Tales of the Lawmaker: The Blight of Rulian

When a strange summons arrived at the job posting board, specifically addressed to the legendary adventurer known only as The Lawmaker, everyone knew that something was wrong. It wasn’t just the fact that the paper looked like it could have been made of pale skin. It was the vague wording, and the fact that no one else had heard tell of the prosperous kingdom of Rulian being stricken with an inexplicable sickness, that caused the adventurer to question the legitimacy of the claims.
Never one to turn away the promise of rewards, or the chance to help people in need, The Lawmaker finds themselves in Rulian, seeking answers. But when the Lawmaker is confronted with the truth – that the city and all those who love the King – have been stricken with an unnatural disease created by blood magic, it becomes a race against time to save the kingdom from the blight.
Confronted with the truth of the sickness, and the truth about the royal family, The Lawmaker must make a moral choice they were not ready for; save the current kingdom, or make amends for the sins of the past?
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